Github - Hubot

Responsible for modeling robot character.

Animation test by GitHub featuring a previous arm and thruster design.

Hubot wireframe in Maya. I also did UVs and the color texture. Additional texture passes/shading/lighting by Agora Studio.

Hubot wireframe in Maya. I also did UVs and the color texture. Additional texture passes/shading/lighting by Agora Studio.

Hubot internals wireframe (previous arm design)

Hubot internals wireframe (previous arm design)

Fly through animation/render test by GitHub and Agora Studio

Worked on Hubot modeling for a GitHub animation. The short was used for the software company's annual conference, GitHub Universe.
It showcases their mascots and version control 'merge' iconography.
Below you can see high res snaps from the animation.
Hubot was designed by Joao Ribeiro
Directed by Tony Jaramillo, and rigged by Jordan Jones.